Online tution classes for CBSE, ICSE, ISC, IGCSE
co-curricular activities
Our Vision
“Sustainable and viable solutions driven by thoughts beyond the obvious that enrich lives of everyone.”
Value for time and money with efficient usage of content and resources.
 co-curricular activities
Academic Courses

At this stage, a learner develops increased focus on reading, writing, speaking, counting, arithmetic and mathematical thinking. This stage needs a robust system of continuous formative/adaptive assessment to track the progress and facilitate learning.

At this stage, a learner starts to develop abstract concepts across the sciences, mathematics, arts, social sciences and humanities. This stage needs Experiential learning within each subject and scope for learners to explore relations among different emphasized specialized subjects.

The Co-curricular activities help learners of all ages to tap into their creative potential, inculcate values and develop imagination. Creative activities act like keys to unlock the most essential life skills needed to harness extraordinary capabilities.
Fundamental Principles from NEP 2020 that we intend to follow:
A Healthy batch size of 6 to ensure personalized attention. optimal mix of curricular and co-curricular activities.
Option to choose co-curricular activities.
Enrich pedagogy with concept-oriented teaching, DIY experiments & simulations.
Higher-order thinking (HOT) questions for each lesson and peer coaching.
Exclusive language courses, resources provided in multiple languages and student club activities.
Conduct assessments in the scientific method with questions mapped to Blooms – Creation and Application level
Continuous improvement through adoption and building an ecosystem of technology tools to enhance learning outcomes.
Virtual Student discussion forums.
Training tutors on specific teaching methodologies, ensure teachers are well versed to use tools on the platform.
Training tutors on specific teaching methodologies, ensure teachers are well versed to use tools on the platform.